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Final Proposal

I would like to further explore my idea of dreaming and present the feeling when I had dreams, they include lots of different scenes and kinds of dreams (e.g lucid dreaming). I will create a fabric installation and put it on the ceiling, and project my multiple video mapping on it.


Final Proposal

I would like to further explore my idea of breaking the conventional concept of Space&time. The final version for this semester still would be a Multi-screen video installation project. Screens work together as a clock.

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-Multi Screens Video Projection

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Shrinking Box

Shrinking Box is a virtual reality/performance art experiment where you’re in a virtual box that is shrinking around you. There will exist a narrative centered around the limitations of VR, in a simple enough language that non-VR users will be able to interface with. It will involve an Oculus Rift, Computer, Speakers, and a room for the piece to occupy.

“Waiting for…” / “I’m not the Expressive Type”

I have two possible directions for this final presentation: a video piece, which falls closer in line with what I had for the Kulshov effect exercise, and an interactive installation that makes use of the skills that Mark showed us in his Isadora workshop.

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The video piece is called “Waiting for…”, which is an edit of specific scenes in action movies that build up towards a moment or a climax. The effect that I hope to achieve is that of a build-up of nothing but build-ups, and follow a kind of narrative sequence. The video should be 3–4 minutes long and be playing on loop.

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The installation is called “I’m not the Expressive Type”, and it will involve the construction of a small white box that creates a private space for the viewer. Inside of the box will be a webcam and a keyboard. The viewer will type in a message that will appear on the exterior surface of the box, and the type will distort according to the viewer’s movement. This is to explore public and private spaces, and how type can be a tool to connect the two.


The color of my dreams



For my final I would like to present the way how I remember the colors of my dream through my work.  I would like to create a sculpture by using a fabric or papers and hang it from the sailing.  The work will represent my personal experience of the certain color and how I recall and interpret the color of my dreams.  Hopefully, audience can really get into the color and be the color.


Final – Falling Apart

For my final I will have a video installation that will consist of 6-8 different videos installed in my studio in Fletcher. The project is a continuation of my midterm project and will deal with the idea of relationships and breakups.




Final proposal 1.jpg

I would like to offer a space where one can experience an act of looking at nature in an abstracted way. Not seeing with your eyes but with your mind. It’s not about looking at natural phenomenons but looking through them. To feel what it’s like to be overcome by their nature.

Danke Schoen

For my final I will shoot and edit another singing video, it will use the same character as before. It will show his clothes and setting giving more context than the previous video. the layout will be for the most part similar except that the backround wont have one looped video but will play originally shot footage of the character being humiliated. The song he will be singing is Danke Schoen by Wayne Newton.


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A Boring (it’s the name of one of my bands/alteregos!) Music Video

I propose to make a music video for youtube that accompanies/promotes my band called boring.

I want to bring the topics that are related to my thesis (punkness, social justice, environmental justice, privilege, social media destroying our lives, tensions involved in a culture that prizes the well-polished/finished image/product while my most fun is playing guitar that isn’t recorded and is lost forever when I leave my studio and have to talk to people) into the music video.

There are a couple songs I could make a video for. I can’t decide which! I guess I should just polish one of my demos.

The video will embody what my music project is about!

I’ve felt guilty about making music my whole life because it is fun, so now I’m gonna reclaim what I love and promote it! yEAH! of the first time ever! This is who I am and I’m not gonna change!

This video is key because we all watch music videos on youtube and they really help bring the viewer into the artists’ world, ya know!?

The presentation:

A Boring Music Video